
How to turn the hearts of caregivers and church members to children

By teaching the children how to behave in a good way, it will turn the hearts of the caregivers and church members to the children.
They will trust their children and will go on teaching them good behavior.
The caregivers will encourage their children to do better and better.
The children will be happy because of good relationship between them and their caregivers. The children will feel confident because of
having people who listen to them and encourage them.
By teaching them that children are God given and we are but just stewards. Just like any other God given gift(talents), each one of us will one time be called to account for his or her input in children . It should therefore be understood to bringing up a child is on its own a ministry.
By educating them on the benefits of the children,teaching them through the scripture what Jesus said about children and being a role model .
Teaching them on the benefits of educating children
Educating them on the positive morals with children
Teaching them on the benefits of educating children
Always a gòod change changes many in the society through example apoor learners becoming richer by following instructions well and accepting good changes.
changing a child should start from home
Producing the best children in behaviour character can change the heart of a caregiver…
By teaching children to behave in away that will help them to live a successful life and to stick on the word of God.
The children can do things, at the church which can touch the hearts of the church members such as singing, giving testimonies, saying short prayers, Saying Bible stories, acting and memorizing Bible verses.
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