1-24 of 29 results with tag: “God is Eternal”
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God of Order

God of Order

The lesson “God of Order” reminds children of the gift of God’s creation, His order, and how that applies to the environment. The c…
He is All Knowing and Everywhere

He is All Knowing and Everywhere

The lesson “He is All Knowing and Everywhere” teaches children how God knows everything and also that He is everywhere at all times. The …
He is Invisible and Eternal

He is Invisible and Eternal

The lesson “He is Invisible and Eternal” will expose children to God’s invisible and eternal nature. Using tangible examples such a…
He is Holy

He is Holy

The lesson “He is Holy” teaches children to describe how and why God is holy. Children will list ways that they are each set apart for Go…
My God is Real

My God is Real

The lesson “My God is Real” reviews the story of Creation with the outcome of having each child able to articulate how and why God is rea…


The lesson “Servanthood” emphasizes the need for serving others as part of obedience to God. Each child will be able to list two or more …
Maintaining Fellowship with God

Maintaining Fellowship with God

The lesson “Maintaining Fellowship with God” will discuss the importance of maintaining relationships with others, but also the benefits …
I am Crowned with Glory and Honor

I am Crowned with Glory and Honor

The lesson “I am Crowned with Glory and Honor” guides children in identifying the scriptures that communicate God’s unconditional l…
Sin Causes Disunity with God’s Creation

Sin Causes Disunity with God’s Creation

The lesson “Sin Causes Disunity with God’s Creation” teaches children about how the sin of the world has caused environmental conse…
The Sin of Adam and Eve

The Sin of Adam and Eve

The lesson “The Sin of Adam and Eve” reviews the story of Adam and Eve and the consequences of their disobedience and sin. The children w…
Adam and Eve and the Importance of Family

Adam and Eve and the Importance of Family

The lesson “Adam and Eve and the Importance of Family” uses the story of Adam and Eve to articulate why God created family. The children …
Jesus is With Me

Jesus is With Me

The lesson “Jesus Appears” teaches children about Jesus’ appearance following His death and his encounter with two men on the road.…
Jesus' Last Week Before His Death

Jesus' Last Week Before His Death

The lesson “Jesus’ Last Week Before His Death” teaches children about the last days of Jesus before on earth and the order of event…
Jesus is Alive

Jesus is Alive

The lesson “Jesus is Alive” teaches children about the good news of Jesus’ resurrection and that He came to life again after His de…
The Great Banquet

The Great Banquet

The lesson “The Great Banquet” uses the story of the Great Banquet in the Bible to explain the comparison between the invitation to the p…
Jesus and Lazarus

Jesus and Lazarus

The lesson “Jesus and Lazarus” uses the story of Lazarus in the Bible to teach about things people can do as opposed to things only Jesus…
God Cares for the Sparrows and Us

God Cares for the Sparrows and Us

The lesson “God Cares for the Sparrows and Us” further develops the children’s understanding of the power of Jesus His love for us.…
Sermon on the Mountain - The Treasure

Sermon on the Mountain - The Treasure

The lesson “Sermon on the Mountain – The Treasure” teaches children about Jesus’ want for us to store up our treasures in hea…
Jonah and the Big Fish

Jonah and the Big Fish

The lesson “Jonah and the Big Fish” helps children to understand the importance of obedience through the story of Jonah and the Big Fish.…
Moses and the Plagues of Egypt

Moses and the Plagues of Egypt

The lesson “Moses and the Plagues of Egypt” teaches children further about God’s power and His power regarding Pharaoh and the Egyp…
Baby Moses and the Princess of Egypt

Baby Moses and the Princess of Egypt

The lesson “Baby Moses and the Princess of Egypt” teaches children about the story of Baby Moses and his mother. By practicing caring for…
Joseph's Dream: Planning for the Future

Joseph's Dream: Planning for the Future

The lesson “Joseph’s Dream: Planning for the Future” teaches about the Bible story of Joseph and how God helped him to understand t…
Review of God's Creation

Review of God's Creation

The lesson “Review of God’s Creation” teaches children about and reviews the story of the creation in the Bible. The children will …
The Bible: God's Love Letter to Us

The Bible: God's Love Letter to Us

The lesson “Intro to the Bible” teaches children about how God expresses His love to us through the messages in the Bible. Through discus…