1-24 of 26 results with tag: “Miracles”
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Supplemental Curriculum - Unit 2 - Ages 3 to 5 - Fish and Loaf

Supplemental Curriculum - Unit 2 - Ages 3 to 5 - Fish and Loaf

This handout called “Fish and Loaf” is an activity to be used with the Supplemental Curriculum Unit 2- God’s Story, My Story: The Bible. This focuses…
Mary, Martha, and Lazarus

Mary, Martha, and Lazarus

The lesson “Mary, Martha, and Lazarus” teaches children about the death of the brother of Mary and Martha and their sadness, but also how…
Jesus Walks on Water

Jesus Walks on Water

The lesson “Jesus Walks on Water” uses the story of the Jesus walking on water to emphasize the importance of trust. The children will ex…
Jacob's Ladder

Jacob's Ladder

The lesson “Jacob’s Ladder” emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, teaching the children about how God came to Jacob and told hi…
Jesus Goes to Heaven

Jesus Goes to Heaven

The lesson “Jesus Goes to Heaven” teaches children about the series of events that occurred following Jesus’ death and what happene…
Jesus Rises to Be Our Savior

Jesus Rises to Be Our Savior

The lesson “Jesus Rises to Be Our Savior” teaches children about the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus. The children will recall what …
Jesus Raises Lazarus

Jesus Raises Lazarus

The lesson “Jesus Raises Lazarus” teaches children about the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, and how Jesus raised Lazarus from the de…
The Transfiguration

The Transfiguration

The lesson “The Transfiguration” teaches children about how Jesus changed on the mountainside, right before the eyes of Peter, James, and…
The Man Lowered Through the Roof

The Man Lowered Through the Roof

The lesson “The Man Lowered Through the Roof” teaches children further about the miracles and healing powers of Jesus. The children will …
Jesus Heals the Man at Betheseda

Jesus Heals the Man at Betheseda

The lesson “Jesus Heals the Man at Betheseda” further develops the children’s understanding of the power of Jesus through the story…
Jesus Heals Blind Bartemeaus

Jesus Heals Blind Bartemeaus

The lesson “Jesus Heals Blind Bartemeaus” further develops the children’s understanding of the power of Jesus and the meaning of fa…
Jesus Walks on Water

Jesus Walks on Water

The lesson “Jesus Walks on Water” teaches children about the power of Jesus and how He calmed the storm for His disciples, even while the…
God Provides Food for His People

God Provides Food for His People

The lesson “God Provides Food for His People” teaches children about God’s faithfulness, as they are able to differentiate between …
Jesus Heals the Man Lowered Through the Roof

Jesus Heals the Man Lowered Through the Roof

Based on the Gospel story found in Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12, and Luke 5:17-26, this animated video tells the story of the man who was lowered throu…
Jesus Calms the Storm

Jesus Calms the Storm

Based on the Gospel story found in Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, and Luke 8:22-25, this animated video tells the story of Jesus calming the storm. J…
Jesus Goes to Heaven

Jesus Goes to Heaven

The lesson “Jesus Goes to Heaven” teaches children about the series of events that occurred following Jesus’ death, as he ascended …
Breakfast with Jesus

Breakfast with Jesus

The lesson “Breakfast with Jesus” teaches children about the miracle of Jesus being seen alive again after His death. The children will d…
Good News for All People!

Good News for All People!

The lesson “Good News for All People!” teaches children about the good news of Jesus’ resurrection. The children will retell the ba…
Jesus Changes Zacchaeus

Jesus Changes Zacchaeus

The lesson “Jesus Changes Zacchaeus” focuses on how Jesus loves us and helps us to do what is right through the Bible story of Zacchaeus.…
Jesus Heals a Lame Man

Jesus Heals a Lame Man

The lesson “Jesus Heals a Lame Man” further develops the children’s understanding of the power of Jesus through the story of Him he…
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand

Jesus Feeds Five Thousand

The lesson “Jesus Feeds Five Thousand” further develops the children’s understanding of the power of Jesus and His faithfulness and…
Jesus and the Lepers

Jesus and the Lepers

The lesson “Jesus and the Lepers” is part nine of a 44 part series on human development, family, health, and safety. This lesson teaches …
Jesus Loves People Who Have Diseases

Jesus Loves People Who Have Diseases

The lesson “Jesus Loves People Who Have Diseases” is part eight of a 44 part series on human development, family, health, and safety. Thi…
Jesus Heals the Blind Man

Jesus Heals the Blind Man

The lesson “Jesus Heals the Blind Man” is part five of a 44 part series on human development, family, health, and safety. This lesson tea…