A21 is a global anti-human trafficking organization dedicated to abolishing slavery everywhere, forever. They offer resources to educate and equip pa…
The lesson “Safe Gross Motor and Fine Motor Play for Your Child” helps the mother/caregiver understand why gross (large) and fine (small)…
The lesson “Strategies for Combating Violence” helps the mother/caregiver define domestic violence and identify contextually-appropriate …
The My Body is My Body Children’s Workbook is a complementary, interactive resource designed to help children engage with the content in the My…
This pdf version of a PowerPoint presentation produced by My Body is My Body explains the importance of teaching kids about child abuse prevention an…
In this video tutorial, Chrissy Sykes, author of the My Body is My Body program, covers the objectives of the fourth song in her series called, &ldqu…
In this video tutorial, Chrissy Sykes, author of the My Body is My Body program, covers the objectives of the third song in her series called, &ldquo…
In this video tutorial, Chrissy Sykes, author of the My Body is My Body program, covers the objective of the second song in her series called, &ldquo…
In this video tutorial, Chrissy Sykes (author of the My Body is My Body program) covers the objective of the first song called, “My Body is My …
This PowerPoint presentation produced by My Body is My Body explains the importance of teaching kids about child abuse prevention and “Body Saf…
The My Body is My Body Signs of Child Abuse document provides important tips for responding to a child who reveals information indicating they are be…
A full compilation of the five animated videos and songs from the My Body is My Body child abuse prevention program. The videos entitled: My Body is …
The Love is Gentle Song 5 Tutorial explains the objectives of the final song in the My Body is My Body video series, helping children understand how …
This animated musical video teaches children what love looks like, so they can identify when something is not loving. For supplemental material on he…
The If You’ve Got A Problem Song 4 Tutorial equips parents and those who work with children to present the fourth song in the My Body is My Bod…
This animated musical video teaches children the importance of telling a trusted adult if someone is hurting them. For tips on helping children under…
The "What If" Song 3 Tutorial equips parents and those who work with children to present the third song in the My Body is My Body series. This song g…
This animated musical video teaches children to say “No!” with authority. The video includes three examples of situations where children …
The If It Don’t Feel Right Song 2 Tutorial equips parents and those who work with children to present the second song in the My Body is My Body…
This animated musical video teaches children to listen to their feelings. Children are encouraged not to do things that make them feel uncomfortable.…
The My Body is My Body Song 1 Tutorial equips parents and those who work with children to present the first song in the My Body is My Body series. …
This animated musical video teaches children that their body is their own and no one has the right to hurt them or touch their private parts. For tip…
The My Body is My Body Full Program document offers a simple, step-by-step approach to discussing the sensitive topic of child abuse prevention with …
The lesson “Floods” teaches children the different causes of floods, as well as what happens during the natural disaster. The children wi…