9 results with tag: “God Provides”
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Basic Principles of Financial Management

Basic Principles of Financial Management

The “Basic Principles of Financial Management” discussion guide provides foundational information for managing money wisely. The lessons …
Father, Son and Holy Spirit – The Trinity

Father, Son and Holy Spirit – The Trinity

The lesson “Father, Son and Holy Spirit – The Trinity” further explains the concept of the Holy Trinity to the children through the…
English African Core Curriculum - Spiritual - 3 to 5 - Year 2

English African Core Curriculum - Spiritual - 3 to 5 - Year 2

The curriculum set, “Spiritual Lesson Plans for Ages 3-5, Year 2” is a collection of 52 lessons that will equip children with a strong bi…
Identifying Emotions (Part 2)

Identifying Emotions (Part 2)

The lesson “Identifying Emotions (Part 2)” teaches children to further identify and monitor feelings and emotions to aid rather than impe…
God Provides Food for His People

God Provides Food for His People

The lesson “God Provides Food for His People” teaches children about God’s faithfulness, as they are able to differentiate between …
Identifying Emotions (Part 1)

Identifying Emotions (Part 1)

The lesson “Identifying Emotions (Part 1)” teaches children to monitor and regulate feelings to aid rather than impede in the handling of…
Dealing with Worry, Fear, and Anxiety

Dealing with Worry, Fear, and Anxiety

The lesson “Dealing with Worry, Fear, and Anxiety” teaches children to monitor and regulate feelings to aid rather than impede in the han…
Dreams for the Futures

Dreams for the Futures

The lesson “Dreams for the Future” teaches children to creatively express his or her dreams for the future, with an emphasis on goal sett…
Elijah and the Prophets of Baal

Elijah and the Prophets of Baal

This animated video, based on 1 Kings 18:16-40, tells the story of Elijah. From King Ahab's condemnation of Elijah as troublemaker, to God's mighty s…