child protection church roles

what are the roles of the church in child protection?
Then church can organize seminars and workshop for children to teach them on how to grow spiritually and holistically
The church can organize workshop and seminars children to be taught on how to develop spiritually and holistically
The church has a role to bring up the children holistically
what are the roles of the church in child protection?
The church a mandate to shape the a child holisticaly
To enhance their dignity
To guide them to respect their leaders
To protect them from drug abuse
To teach them how to live in the society
The church is advocate to ensure children right are practiced.
The church has role to enhance Christianity among the children lt is foundation in spiritual growth
If the child is protected well then we will have more and more generations to come.
The church must organise spiritual training for those who are responsible for teaching the children to help bring up or teach the children in a chriat like manner